Author Guidelines


IBLAM Law Review accepts original articles in any subject of law. Multidisciplinary research articles are welcomed, but a legal analysis must be a strong variable within that article. Articles are accepted year-round. IBLAM Law Review Published in January, May, and September


We accept good research articles in both English and Bahasa Indonesia. Submissions will first undergo a pre-review process. If the submission passes the pre-review process, it will then undergo a double-blind peer review process. The general guidelines to write articles are as follows:

Title (Book Antiqua, Bold, Size 14)

Abstract (size 12, bold)

Book Antiqua size 11, space 1. explicitly contain the purpose, methods, and results of the research to the paper based on the research results. The abstract consists of a minimum of 150 words and a maximum of 250 words (English and Indonesia)

Keywords (size 12, bold): (Written in English and Indonesia, should reflect important words or phrases in the article, consisting of 3-5 words, Book Antiqua size 11)

Introduction [size 12, bold]

Introduction is first part of the article. It must state the background of the article. The background is a brief description of the importance of the topic and its discussion, a preliminary data should be provided, and the basic theory must be presented. In this part, the legal issues, which will be discussed in the article, must be stated. If the article is the result of a legal research, the research method used to analyze the legal issues should be mentioned. First line of paragraph must be 1 cm indented and there is no space between paragraphs (no before and after space). Book Antiqua size 11, space 1,15.

Methods Research [size 12, bold]

There should be a method which must be explained. This method research should provide a statement regarding the methodology of the research.  Research methods must be able to describe how research is carried out accompanied by the use of legal materials or data. Book Antiqua size 11, space 1,15.

Results and Discussion [size 12, bold]

The Sub Title should be titled corresponding to the legal issue that will be discussed in the respective part. Each sub title should be written in bold without numbering. First line of paragraph must be 1 cm indented and there is no space between paragraphs (no before and after space). The discussion in this part should be the result of the analysis of the legal issues as stated in the Preface. Book Antiqua size 11, space 1,15.

Conclusion [size 12, bold]

Conclusion contains a description that should answer the objectives of research. Provide a clear and concise conclusion. Do not repeat and copy paste the Abstract or Results and Discussion. Give a clear explanation regarding the possible application and/or suggestion related to the research findings. Book Antiqua size 11, space 1,15

Bibliography [size 12, bold]

References of your manuscript must be up to date (in the last 5 to 10 years and a minimum of 15 references that 60% of the references is from primary sources/journal) and your reference can be accessed by anyone. Authors are responsible for ensuring that the information in each reference is complete and accurate. All references should be cited within the text; otherwise, these references will be automatically removed. Writing bibliography should use reference manager applications such as Mendeley. The writing style of IBLAM Law Review uses the format of the American Psychological Association 7th edition.
